How to implement GLOBE in times of COVID-19

Since the beginning of the COVID - 19 pandemic as a means to encourage community participants & engaging students to do GLOBE with safety. GLOBE Asia - pacific regional Coordination Office has host webinars for wider participation & community engagement. Listed below are the webinar recordings.

GLOBE activities during COVID - 19 | Highlights |


Webinars on February 02nd, 2024

Celebrating World Wetlands Day – 2024 “GLOBE Asia – Pacific Virtual Wetland Symposium”

On February 2nd, 2024, the GLOBE Asia-Pacific Regional Office hosted a virtual symposium in honor of World Wetlands Day. Titled "Wetlands and Human Wellbeing," the event brought together students, teachers, scientists, and citizen scientists from across the region to celebrate these vital ecosystems and discuss their conservation and sustainable management.

Webinars on March 30, 2023

Experiences of Visit to Antarctica by Dr. Victoria Metcalf - CC GLOBE New Zealand

Dr. Victoria Metcalf - CC GLOBE New Zealand shares her experiences of working and researching in Antarctica and her recent visit.

Webinars on February 02nd, 2023

Celebrating World Wetlands Day – 2023 “GLOBE Asia – Pacific Virtual Wetland Symposium”

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts the “GLOBE Asia – Pacific Virtual Wetland Symposium” on the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2023 (02nd February) for GLOBE Students, Teachers, CCs, GLOBE trainers, and Community Members. This Symposium was an opportunity for GLOBE Students to showcase and share their research Paper/ presentation. 6 students’ projects were Presented during the Symposium from. 94 Participants including Presenters Participated from ten Countries in the Region Australia, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Philippines, Palau, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Micronesia, and Taiwan) and RCO. This was 2nd part of the symposium.

Webinars on December 08th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts “GLOBE Asia – Pacific Virtual Wetland Symposium” on 08thDecember 2022 for CCs, GLOBE trainer, Teachers, Studentsand Community Members. This Symposiumwas an opportunity for GLOBE Students to showcase and share their research Paper/ presentation.16 students’ projects were Presented during the Symposium from. 134 Participants including Presenters Participated from six Countries in the Region (Australia, India, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan)

Webinars on December 02th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office organized webinar on December02, 2022 on the IVSS Projects, Capacity Building Project & Regional Activities.The webinar was attended by 21 participants from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Webinars on September 15th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office organized webinar on September 15, 2022 on the IVSS and Capacity Building Project.The webinar was attended by 34 participants from India, Mongolia, Nepal, NewZealand Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.

Webinars on August 05th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office organized webinar with Working Group members in AP Region on 05th August’2022 to develop working relationships between WG members and CCs. 21 participants from 7 countries (India, Palau, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan - Partner and Vietnam)

Webinars on May 27th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 27th May 2022 for CCs, GLOBE trainer, Teachers and Students on “Soils in Schools”. This webinar is to encourage GLOBE teachers and students to develop skills on GLOBE Soil Protocol. The webinar was presented by Dr. Rod Allen De Lara, GLOBE Country Coordinator- Philippines & Joan Callope, GLOBE Assistant Country Coordinator- Philippines.

Webinars on April 18th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 18th April 2022 for CCs, in the region and to discuss about “Reinventing Community Engagement and Empowerment through Data Literacy and Learning activities of the GLOBE Program” i.e GLOBE Capacity Building Project for Asia – Pacific Region. The principal objective is to enhancing the capacity of the GLOBE trainers through data literacy for GLOBE Protocols.

Webinars on March 25th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 25th March 2022 for CCs, GLOBE trainer, Teachers and Students on Celebration of Intl. Earth Day 2022 in the region and to promote GIO Earth Day activities which includes Air Temp Data - Collect, Visualize, Connect.

Promotion of Microplastic Monitoring Protocol in Taiwan, by Dr. Prof. Pay-Liam Lin, Coordinator, GLOBE – Taiwan partner on 04th March' 22

Asia – Pacific Regional Coordination Office organized a webinar on the Promotion of Microplastic Monitoring Protocol in Taiwan, by Dr. Prof. Pay-Liam Lin, Coordinator, GLOBE – Taiwan partner which was attended by 28 participants from 10 countries in the region. Participants include Teachers, Scientists & Country Coordinators from the region. Dr. Prof. Pay-Liam Lin shares with the participants the details of the curriculum about marine education, teaching material & activities on marine education. He also shares with the participants about the teaching plan for teachers who are interested in Microplastic monitoring.

Webinars on February 11th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 11th February 2022 for CCs, GLOBE Partner and community Member for the follow up of 2022 AP RM and also to finalize the plans for 2022 GLOBE Activities in the Region such as Training Programs, Students exchange, expedition & GLOBE Campaigns.

Webinars on January 05th, 2022

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 5th January 2022 for CCs and GLOBE Partner in the region to for the planning of upcoming 2022 GLOBE Asia – Pacific Annual Regional Meeting.

Webinars on December 16th, 2021

AP RCO organized a webinar on the Awareness of Microplastic in Water Bodies* on 16th Dec’21 which was attended by 34 participants from 10 countries including students, Teachers, Scientists from the region. Dr. Desh Bandhu, Coordinator, AP RCO was the presenter of the webinar, He shares with the participants with the environmental risk of Microplastic in waterbodies & that Asia – pacific is the largest contributor to Microplastic in the world during the webinar. He also shares ideas on how we can reduce microplastic & its testing in our water bodies to get a sense of what actually happening in our local environment.

* Microplastic in water bodies is not a GLOBE Protocol. The Asia – Pacific region in promoting the activity on microplastic as this has become a serious issue and suggested by country coordinators in the region.

Webinars on December 3rd, 2021

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 3rd Dec 2020 for CCs, trainers, teachers and Students in the region to Training on using GLOBE Observer App and IVSS by Joan Callope, GLOBE Assistant Country Coordinator- Philippines. The webinar was request by community in the region to help newly minted GLOBE students & Teachers understand the use of GLOBE Observer App.

Webinars on November 5th, 2021

GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region host Inspiring Webinar on 05th Nov’21 in Support of Asia – Pacific Air Quality Campaign which was attended by 35 people from seven countries. The Asia - Pacific Air Quality Campaign is a citizen science project that will measure the protocol related to the GLOBE air quality bundle. This is an educational project designed to raise awareness about air pollution and showcase the potential of citizen science to gather unique datasets and insights into our environment. The campaign also provides a collaborative platform for schools to share their research and insights. AP RCO also submitted a GLOBE STAR on the Campaign. The Campaign, which will run from November 2021 through January 2022.

Webinars on October 08th, 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a special webinar on 08th October 2021 for GLOBE Community in the region by Yashraj Patil - GSIN Member on GLOBE Scientist Story. Where Mr. Patil shares his experiences during his expedition to the Himalayan region in the UT of Ladakh.

Webinars on September 20th, 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on 20th September 2021 for Country Coordinators, GLOBE trainers, and GLOBE teachers in the region on the “Tree Challenge Awareness Webinar”. Students Team from India & Thailand share their research papers during the webinar.

Webinars on August 20th, 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office has marked 20th July 2021 – 20th August 2021 as the Mosquito Awareness Campaign month and has encouraged the GLOBE community (especially Students) in the region for active participation. To mark the end of the campaign AP RCO has hosted a webinar on 20th August 2021 to give a platform to students in the region to share their research reports and data conducted during the Mosquito Awareness Campaign month. 8 countries in the region participated in the campaign.

Webinars on August 11th, 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on 11th August 2021 for Country Coordinators, GLOBE trainers, and GLOBE teachers in the region on REGIONAL PLAN 2021-22. Coordinator, AP RCO shares the regional plan and activities to be promoted during 2021-2022 and asks for feedback from the community on the same.

Webinars on June 24th 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on 24th May 2021 for Country Coordinators, GLOBE trainers, and GLOBE teachers, Students & Community Members in the region on "Awareness on Air Quality". Dr. Watcharee Ruairuen, GLOBE Alumni from GLOBE Thailand presented here research on the topic.

Webinars on June 07th 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on 07th June 2021 for Country Coordinators, GLOBE trainers, and GLOBE teachers, Students and community Members in the region on "Air Quality Awareness Campaign in the Region". Dr. Desh Bandhu, Coordinator, GLOBE AP RCO was the Speaker of the webinar. (To Download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on May 26th 2021

The GLOBE Asia-Pacific regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on 26th May 2021 for Country Coordinators, GLOBE trainers, and GLOBE teachers in the region on "Awareness on Microplastic in Ocean Water". Ms. Alessandra Sutti & Mr. Stuart Robottom from Institute for Frontier Materials, GTP Research, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia were the Speaker of the webinar along with participants from Europe & Euroasia RCO & CCs & DCCs from GLOBE Italy.

Webinars on April 14th 2021

AP RCO host a webinar meeting on April 14th 2021 on the topic “Discussion on Student's Presentation at RM 2021”.

Webinars on March 31st 2021

AP RCO host a webinar meeting on March 31, 2021 to discuss the planning of students GLE on May 2, 2021 and RM during May 3 and 4, 2021.

Webinars on March 05th 2021

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office hosts a webinar on March 5, 2021 on How to improve the GLOBE Students Science Presentation

Webinars on February 02nd 2021

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional Coordination Office hosts a webinar on the occasion of World Wetland day “Water Collaboration Project - Webinar / Symposium” on February 02, 2021 for Students to showcase their research work of GLOBE hydrology Protocol & Water Bodies. The webinar was also for GLOBE trainers to teach students about GLOBE Hydrology Protocol in different type of water bodies & help them with their IVSS research report. Students from India, Philippines, Taiwan & Thailand presented their research paper. GLOBE Master Trainer for Hydrology Protocol Dr. R.K.Garg also shares his presentation Regional Collaboration Project on water bodies. 96 Participants including Students, Teachers, Trainers & Country Coordinator Participated in this webinar.

Webinars on January 14th 2021

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office host webinar on 14th January 2021, for teachers and students from various GLOBE schools in the Region to give them more insight about the GLOBE IVSS trends in AP region to help the Regional Students Community in making their Students research Project. The Webinar was presented by Ms. Amy Barfield from GIO. Ms. Barfield explain to the Participants about the IVSS statistic & Trends, GIO Triage Process & Resources for Students to create impactful research Project.

Webinars on December 17th 2020

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office hosts a webinar on December 17, 2020, on: "GLOBE in Philippines and Students IVSS Projects" presented by Dr. Rod Allan De Lara, GLOBE Country Coordinator, and Ms. Joan Callope, Assistant Country Coordinator for teachers and students from various GLOBE schools in the Region to give them more insight about the upcoming GLOBE IVSS & AP region Students research Project. (to download the Presentation click the link Dr. Rod Ms. Joan )

Webinars on December 3rd 2020

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office hosts a webinar on December 3rd, 2020 on: "Soil Awareness " that is presented by Dr. R.k. Garg, GLOBE Master Trainer & Ms. Nisakorn Saengprachum, GLOBE Thailand for teachers and students from various GLOBE schools in the Region on the occasion of World Soil Day on December 5. (To download the Presentation click the link Dr garg Ms Nisakorn )

Webinars on 18th November 2020

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office hosts a webinar on November 18th on: "GLOBE Mosquito Awareness Campaign" that is presented by Mindi DePaola, Program Specialist at GIO for teachers and students from various GLOBE schools in the Region. (To download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on 30th October 2020

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional coordination Office hosts a webinar on October 30th on: "Trees Around the GLOBE: Students research Campaign " that is presented by Brian Campbell (NASA) for teachers and students from various GLOBE schools in the Region.

Webinars on 16th October 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 16th October 2020 for CCs, Trainers and Teacher's in the region to share experiences of the workshop organized by GLOBE Partner Taiwan for Construction of Instrument Shelter from old chairs, desk, and wood at schools to use it for a recycled Instrument Shelter for Atmosphere protocol and also to encourage & engage in knowledge sharing form other countries in the region ( to download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on 2nd October 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 2nd October 2020 for CCs and Trainers in the region to share information about Inter & Intra Regional collaboration on Waterbodies which was presented by Dr. R.K. Garg, Master Trainer - India, and also to share about the proposed programs for 2021 and related activities. ( to download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on 11th September 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 11-09-2020 for CCs and Trainers in the region to share the experiences of the Lake Pokhara Expedition which was presented by Mr. Yogendra Chitrakar - CC Nepal, and also to share about the proposed programs for 2021. ( to download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on 27th August 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts webinar on 27th Aug 2020 for CCs in the region to share The Progress made by GLOBE Australia after rejoining the GLOBE Community. GLOBE Country Coordinator - Australia Mr. Bill Flynn presented the progress made since rejoining in July 2020.

Webinars on 12th August 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts webinar on 12-8-20 for CCs and Trainers in the region to share the experiences of Past Expedition, Students Research & Exchange Program, and also to share about the proposed programs for 2020/2021. ( to download Presentation CLICK HERE)

Webinars on 24th July 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office host webinars for CCs, trainers & Teachers in the region to share GLOBE - Thailand activities to engage their community in GLOBE activities during the COVID -19 Pandemic. ( to download Presentation CLICK HERE)

2. GLOBE Partner - Taiwan shares with the countries in the region on the status of women empowerment through GLOBE Program.

Webinars on 30th June 2020

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts two webinars for CCs, trainers & Teachers in the region
1. To ?discusses the Agenda & Planning of the upcoming GLOBE Regional Meeting.

Students from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Trang, Thailand wins the GLOBE Department of State ZIKA Project grant in the Region for their project on Mosquito Larvae Diversity & Abundance Relation to Land Cover in Coastal Area in Trang Province, Thailand.

Students From Philippine Science High School, Western Visayas Campus, Philippines, and winner of GLOBE Department of States ZIKA Project IVSS present their project on Mosquito breeding site characterization – density, water Quality, Natural Attractants of Barangays Igang Pototan Philippines.

Students IVSS Project Presentation

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional Coordination Office Hosts a webinar on June 16th on: "GLOBE 2020 IVSS Projects Presentation " fo 3 winner schools in the region by
1. Swmsenwittayalai School, Bangkok, Thailand - Winner GLOBE IVSS Project.
2. Philippine Science High School, Western Visayas Campus, Philippines - Winner IVSS DOS Zika Project.
3. Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Trang, Thailand - Winner IVSS DOS Zika Project.
together with Country Coordinators and GLOBE Trainers from various GLOBE countries. ( For Student Presentation CLICK HERE)
GLOBE IVSS winner Students from Asia - Pacific Region of Swmsenwittayalai School, Bangkok, Thailand explain their project on Mosquito breeding using Drone imagery and GLOBE Observer, Habitat Mapper App.

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional Coordination Office Hosts a webinar on June 2nd on: "Social Media Tips & Tricks for GLOBECountries in the Region " that is prepared by Autumn Burdick (SSAI) together with Country Coordinators and GLOBE Trainers from various GLOBE countries.

The GLOBE Asia - Pacific Regional Coordination Office Hosts a webinar on June 2nd on: "Buzzing Around! Adventure with the Mosquito Habitat Mapper" that is prepared by Dorian Janney (NASA) together with Country Coordinators and GLOBE Trainers from various GLOBE countries.

A review on The Role of GLOBE Teachers

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 22nd May 2020 for CCs, trainers & Teachers in the region to review The Role of GLOBE Teachers.
Ms. Joan B. Callope, GLOBE Assistant Country Coordinator- Philippines & GLOBE Teacher explains and shares her experiences with the audience.
(for a copy of the presentation CLICK HERE)

The GLOBE Program - New Trainer / Mentor Trainer Certification Process.

Asia-Pacific regional Office hosts a webinar on 11th May 2020 for CCs & trainers in the region to explain the new GLOBE Certification Progress.
Dr. Rod Allan De Lara, GLOBE Country Coordinator- Philippines & Member GLOBE Working Group explains the new Trainer / Mentor Certification Process.
(For access to the detailed Presentation on new Trainer / Mentor Certification Process CLICK HERE )